Anand Chhabra has been commisioned by Living Memory project and Sandwell Council to produce a diverse number of portraits of Sandwell community members who are champions and unsung heroes within the region. They have been nominated to Sandwell Council by their communities as their heroes from the Commonweatlh. The project launches in July to commemorate the games and their imapct. Anand was impressed when interacting with the nominees and realizing the amazing work that people do to volunteer of their own volition to help their fellow man. The people represent just a few of the unsung heroes in our communities that continue day to day work. The exhibtions launched at Smethwick, Bearwood and Tipton at various community venues. It was excellent to be able to put on an exhibtion for locals in our post Covid world, more portraits can be seen from the link on our main page.
Participants & audiences view the portraits by BCVA director and artist Anand Chhabra from ‘Our Commonwealth’ at Bearwood hub July 22 All images © BCVA.
Geoff Broadway from Living Memory project opens up proceedings for the launch of ‘Our Commonwealth’ to packed out venues across the BC region.